The Registers window shows the content of registers,
operation modes, and system and internal states.
The toolbar button or the menu View -
Registers Window opens the window.
Lists operation modes, register names, and CPU states.
Shows the register content. Double-click on a value (or click
on the value and press F2) to modify the content.
The currently active mode is highlighted in black.
Modified registers are highlighted in blue.
Refresh the window content by halting program execution or
clicking Update Windows from the Toolbox.
STATES Register
The register field STATES shows:
In Simulator mode:
The approximated cycle value. The memory system is not simulated.
Thus, extra cycles required for memory accesses are not taken into
Represents the target cycle counter.
SEC Register
The register field SEC shows the elapsed time (in seconds)
since debugging started and is based on the same information as
STATES. The value is identical with the entry t0 of the
Status Bar.
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