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The dialog Setup Logic Analyzer defines variables or VTREGs for signal recording and configures the display output. However, not every variable can be displayed. Restrictions apply to the Logic Analyzer.

Logic analyzer Setup Dialog

Current Logic Analyzer Signals lists the variables and VTREGs defined for signal recording:

  • Del New (Insert key) adds a variable or VTREG for signal recording.
  • New Delete (Delete key) removes the highlighted signal.

Signal Display configures the appearance of the highlighted signal.

  • Display Type sets the signal display output into the mode Analog, Bit (0 or 1), or State (signal transitions).
  • Color sets the signal display color.
  • Hexadecimal Display displays signal values in HEX format. When disabled, decimal values are shown. The checkbox cannot be used for variable of the type float and double.

Display Range configures the signal amplitude range for the Display Type Analog. The range values can be specified in HEX or decimal format.

  • Max sets the upper display range boundary.
  • Min sets the lower display range boundary.

Display Formula (Signal & Mask) >> Shift displays specific bits of the signal value:

  • And Mask specifies an AND mask for the displayed signal value.
  • Shift Right specifies a shift-right factor for the displayed signal value.

Export / Import saves signal definitions to a file, or imports signal definitions from a file.

  • Export Signal Definitions saves the signal definitions (not the signal recording) in a file (*.UVL).
  • Import Signal Definitions restores the signal definitions saved previously in a file (*.UVL).


  • The command LogicAnalyze can be used in scripts or in the Command Window to define variables or VTREGs for the Logic Analyzer. For details refer to Setup in Detail.
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