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8051 Evaluation Board Comparison

The following chart compares the 8051 evaluation boards available from Keil.

Feature Evaluation Board
MCBx51 MCB900 MCB950 MCBXC866 MCBXC88x
MCU Most PLCC-44 8051/251 P89LPC935 P89LPC952 XC866 XC888
XTAL 12/24 MHz 7.3 MHz 12 MHz 8 MHz 8 MHz
Prototyping Area
OCDS Interface      
ISD51 Interface      
MON51 Interface        
3.95 x 6.30 2.30 x 4.30 2.30 x 4.30 3.95 x 3.95 3.95 x 3.95
100 x 160 58 x 110 58 x 110 100 x 100 100 x 100
On-Chip RAM 0.2K-1.2K 0.7K 0.5K 0.7K 1.7K
On-Chip FLASH   8K 8K 16K 24K
On-Board RAM/Max 256K/256K        
On-Board ROM/Max 128K/256K        
Push Buttons 2     1 1
I/O Port LEDs 8 8 8 8 8
Analog Input
Serial Ports 2 1 1 1  
CAN Ports       1 1
Connector Plug Plug USB Plug USB
Supply 8-12 VDC 5-9 VDC 5 VDC 6-12 VDC 5 VDC
≈ 300 mA ≈ 50 mA ≈ 50 mA ≈ 50 mA ≈ 50 mA
≈ 500 mA ≈ 100 mA ≈ 100 mA ≈ 100 mA ≈ 100 mA
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