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Keil L166 Locate

Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog
Enable this option to use the memory information specified under Project - Options - Target. You may still add additional classes or sections to these settings.
C166 Variable Initialization Tables
Specify the location of the tables used to initialize variables declared with explicit values and variables which are to be cleared to zero.

DPP Usage

Specify whether or not multiple DPPs are used for the NDATA and NCONST data groups.
Speicify the starting DPP register and the address range for the NDATA data group.
Specify the starting DPP register and the address range for the NCONST data group.
Target Classes
Displays the classes created for the RAM and ROM definitions specified in the Target dialog.
User Classes
User classes allow you to locate many variables from different source modules to special memory areas. The name of a user class is given in the C source code using the directive RENAMECLASS.
User Sections
Allow you to locate sections to specific memory addresses. The section names in a C program are derived from the source file name and the memory type.
Linker Control String
Displays the current directives in the linker command line.
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