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Keil EC++ Compiler

Preprocessor Symbols
Define sets preprocessor symbols, which can be checked with #if, #ifdef and #ifndef. The defined names are case-sensitive. Optionally, each name can have a value. Define: Check, NoExtRam, X1=1+5 is identical to the following C preprocessor #define statements:
#define Check
#define NoExtRam
#define X1 1+5

Undefine clears previous Define assignments that are entered in the options dialog of a higher Target or Group level.
Include Paths
Allows you to supply one or more paths (separated by semi-colon) to search for header files. For #include "filename.h", the compiler searches the current folder first and then the source file folder. When this search fails or when #include <filename.h> is used, the paths specified in the include path's box are searched. When this search fails, the paths specified in the field INC of the dialog Project — Manage - Project Items are used.
Misc Controls
Specify any assembler directive for which no individual dialog control exists.
Compiler Control String
Displays the current directives at the compiler command line.
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