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You can search and replace text in most programs using the Edit - Replace dialog (shortcut Ctrl+H).


  • Compile the project before searching for patterns. This ensures that all header files are scanned.

Replace Dialog

The dialog will stay on top of the text, but you can keep on modifying the text.


Find what Enter the string pattern you want to find. This field is filled automatically with the currently selected word, the word under the caret, or the last searched pattern. The drop down contains a list of previous search strings.
Replace with String that should replace matching strings.
Look in Restrict the search to the current document, current project, or selected text. The search order for Current Project is determined by the file sequence in the Project window. That is the first file of the first group, then the included header files. Then the next file and the included header files, and so forth. This applies also to software component groups.
Match case Enable the check-box to find case sensitive strings.
Match whole word Enable the check-box to find the exact word or phrase.
Regular expression Enable the check-box to enter regular expressions. This enables the button right to the field Find what offering a collection of operators for regular expressions. Refer to Regular Search Expressions for details.
Search Up Changes the searching direction when clicking Find Next.
Find Next Jumps to the succeeding or preceding matching string.
Replace Replaces the currently highlighted occurrence of the matching string.
Replace All Replaces all occurrences of the matching string within the active file or, when text has been selected, then within the selection.

See Also

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