Each Keil software product requires activation with a License ID
Code (LIC). The LIC is a personalized Product Serial Number (PSN)
that is obtained via e-mail during product registration.
Opens the License Management page on the Keil web
site. Here, you must enter the Product Serial Number (PSN), that is
supplied with the product, along with any other requested
information. After submitting the form you will receive an e-mail
containing a LIC for your product.
To activate your product, enter the LIC into the
New License ID Code (LIC) input field on the License
Management page in µVision. Click Add LIC to activate the product
on your computer.
Select the product that you no longer use and click
Uninstall... After uninstalling, you must register with Keil
Software to return the uninstalled LIC back into the license pool
(so you can license the software on another computer). After
validating your uninstalled LIC, you will be able to license the
software on another computer.
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