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Check Illegal Memory Access

Check illegal memory access with access breakpoints using the system variable _break_.

The example stops program execution when the array save_record is accessed outside of the function clear_records. This example is written for the Measure project located in the folder \toolchain\Examples\Measure.


// expression to check


// stop execution when save_record has been accessed outside of clear_records()
// 0x24 - size of clear_records  (the size depends on the toolchain selected and needs adaptation)
// $ - PC

_break_ = ($ < \\measure\\clear_records || $ >= \\measure\\clear_records + 0x24)

Illegal Memory Access Check

Add the following test instruction to main().

save_record[1].time.hour = 0xff;

The program stops:

  • While initializing the array save_record.
  • Right after the test instruction has been executed.
  • Whenever the array is accessed outside of clear_records.
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