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Setup in Detail

Setup in Detail provides configuration examples for the dialog Setup Logic Analyzer.

Analog Signals

Typically, the Display Type Analog is used for A/D or D/A converter VTREGs. This display mode can be used to show values of all variable types.

  • Min and Max define the diagram amplitude range of a signal. The values can be specified in decimal or HEX format.
  • And Mask specifies an AND mask used to strip-off bits that should not be displayed.
  • Shift Right allows to specify a shift factor that performs a division on the input value.

Examples with Display Type Analog:

Variable "tone.y1", Min Value: -32000, Max Value: 32000
Variable "Signal", Min Value: 0, Max Value: 0x2E0, Mask: 0xFFF00, Shift Right: 8

Bit Signals

The Display Type Bit reduces a value to true (= 1) or false (= 0) and is typically used for a single digital I/O pin. This display mode can be applied to any variable. For efficient configuration purposes, variable names of the format Identifier.Bitpos are converted to the Display Type Bit with corresponding And Mask and Shift Right settings.

  • And Mask specifies an AND mask used to strip-off bits that should not be displayed.
  • Shift Right allows to specify a shift factor that performs a division on the input value.

Examples with Display Type Bit:

Variable "PORT0.2"
Variable "PORT2", Mask: 0x10, Shift Right: 4  (Note, the input is identical to PORT2.4)
Variable "flag", Mask: 0xFF, Shift Right: 0

State Diagrams

The Display Type State shows signal transition value changes, and is typical used to show BUS signals.

  • Mask specifies an AND mask used to strip-off bits that should not be displayed.
  • Shift Right allows to specify a shift factor that performs a division on the input value.

Examples with Display Type State:

Variable "DTMF_Input", Mask: 0xF0, Shift Right: 4
Variable "Keys", Mask: 0xFF, Shift Right: 0


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