USB Component  Version 6.6
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ADC: Audio Device Class

Implement application specific behavior of an Audio Device Class (ADC) USB Device. More...


 User API
 User API reference of the Audio Device Class.
 Configuration of the USB Device ADC Class in µVision.


Implement application specific behavior of an Audio Device Class (ADC) USB Device.

Use the following class specific functions to customize the functionality of an Audio Device Class (ADC) Device. Adapt these functions in the user code template file USBD_User_ADC_n.c.

Refer to:

The USB Component allows multiple instances of the ADC class. This feature is used to create USB Composite Devices. Each ADC class instance has a separate files and interface functions:

This documentation uses n as a placeholder for the instance number 0 - 3. Most applications only require one instance of an ADC class. For the first ADC class instance the instance number is 0:

Software Structure

The handling for the ADC class endpoint events is implemented in USBD_ADC_Thread which is started by USBD_Initialize. Each instance of an ADC class runs an instance of the USBD_ADCn_Thread. This thread handles the Isochronous IN/OUT Endpoints of the USB ADC Device.



To create an USB Device with an ADC class:

User Code Templates
There are two user code templates available that help to add support for an ADC device:

  1. USBD_User_ADC.c contains all the callback functions that need to be implemented by the user.
  2. USBD_User_ADC_Headphone.c is a code template for the application specific functionality of a USB ADC Device containing stereo speakers and mono microphone.

User Code Template USBD_User_ADC.c

The following source code can be used to implement the application specific behavior of an USB ADC Device.

* MDK Middleware - Component ::USB:Device
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.
* Name: USBD_User_ADC_n.c
* Purpose: USB Device Audio Device Class (ADC) User module
* Rev.: V6.2
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "rl_usb.h"
// Called during USBD_Initialize to initialize the USB ADC class instance.
void USBD_ADCn_Initialize (void) {
// Add code for initialization
// Called during USBD_Uninitialize to de-initialize the USB ADC class instance.
// Add code for de-initialization
// Callback function called when speaker activity (interface) setting changed event.
// \param[in] active activity status.
void USBD_ADCn_SpeakerStatusEvent (bool active) {
// Add code for speaker activity setting change
// Callback function called when speaker mute setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// - value 0: master channel
// - value 1: left speaker (in stereo mode)
// - value 2: right speaker (in stereo mode)
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_SpeakerMuteEvent (uint8_t ch, bool cur) {
// Add code for speaker mute setting change
// Callback function called when speaker volume setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// - value 0: master channel
// - value 1: left speaker (in stereo mode)
// - value 2: right speaker (in stereo mode)
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_SpeakerVolumeEvent (uint8_t ch, uint16_t cur) {
// Add code for speaker volume setting change
// Callback function called when microphone activity (interface) setting changed event.
// \param[in] active activity status.
void USBD_ADCn_MicrophoneStatusEvent (bool active) {
// Add code for microphone activity setting change
// Callback function called when microphone mute setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// - value 0: master channel
// - value 1: left microphone (in stereo mode)
// - value 2: right microphone (in stereo mode)
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_MicrophoneMuteEvent (uint8_t ch, bool cur) {
// Add code for microphone mute setting change
// Callback function called when microphone volume setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// - value 0: master channel
// - value 1: left microphone (in stereo mode)
// - value 2: right microphone (in stereo mode)
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_MicrophoneVolumeEvent (uint8_t ch, uint16_t cur) {
// Add code for microphone volume setting change

User Code Template USBD_User_ADC_Headphone.c

The following source code can be used to implement the application specific behavior of an USB ADC Headphone Device.

* MDK Middleware - Component ::USB:Device
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.
* Name: USBD_User_ADC_Headphone_n.c
* Purpose: USB Device Audio Device Class (ADC) User module
* Template for USB Audio Device Class (ADC) Headphone
* Rev.: V6.3
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "rl_usb.h"
#include ".\RTE\USB\USBD_Config_ADC_n.h"
#include "Board_Audio.h"
#define RECORD_CHANNELS 1 // Mono microphone = 1 channel (stereo not implemented)
#define RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO 64 // In samples (64 mono samples at 32 kHz = 2 ms of samples)
#define RECORD_SAMPLE_CORRECTION_COUNTER (100/2) // 100 ms / 2 ms of samples (compensates 625 ppm clock difference)
#define PLAYBACK_CHANNELS 2 // Stereo speakers = 2 channels (mono not implemented)
#define PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO 128 // Out samples (128 stereo samples at 32 kHz = 2 ms samples)
#define PLAYBACK_SAMPLE_CORRECTION_COUNTER (100/2) // 100 ms / 2 ms of samples (compensates 625 ppm clock difference)
static osThreadId play_buf_tid = 0 ;
static volatile bool play = false;
static uint8_t play_buf_index = 0 ;
static int16_t play_buf[2][PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO+2] = { 0 };
static int32_t play_num = { 0 };
static int32_t play_add = 0 ;
static uint16_t play_sample_correction_cnt = 0 ;
static uint8_t rec_buf_index = 0 ;
static int16_t rec_buf[2][RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO+1] = { 0 };
static int32_t rec_num = 0 ;
static int32_t rec_add = 0 ;
static uint16_t rec_sample_correction_cnt = 0 ;
// Thread: waits for USB buffer to be half full of samples and then starts playback.
// \param[in] arg not used.
void AudioPlaybackInitialBufferingThreadn (void const *arg) {
uint32_t play_samples_available;
int32_t play_num0;
while (1) {
play_samples_available = USBD_ADC_ReceivedSamplesAvailable (n);
if (!play && (play_samples_available > (PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_USB / 2))) {
// If play is not active and USB buffer is half full of samples
play = true;
play_num0 = USBD_ADC_ReadSamples (n, (void *)(&play_buf[0][0]), PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO);
play_num = USBD_ADC_ReadSamples (n, (void *)(&play_buf[1][0]), PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO);
play_buf_index = 1;
// Send initial data, further sending will happen from audio callback
Audio_SendData (&play_buf[0][0], play_num0);
if (play && !play_samples_available) {
// If play was active but there is no more samples than play has stopped
play = false;
osThreadDef (AudioPlaybackInitialBufferingThreadn, osPriorityNormal, 1, 0);
// Audio Events Handling Callback function
// \param[in] event notification mask
static void AudioCallback (uint32_t event) {
uint32_t rec_samples_pending;
int32_t rec_num_last;
uint8_t rec_correct_sample;
uint32_t play_samples_available;
int32_t play_num_last;
uint8_t play_correct_sample;
// Handling of recording samples
rec_num_last = rec_num;
// Start new audio data reception
Audio_ReceiveData (&rec_buf[rec_buf_index ^ 1][0], rec_num);
rec_correct_sample = 0;
if (rec_sample_correction_cnt++ >= RECORD_SAMPLE_CORRECTION_COUNTER) {
// Correction interval counter for example if interval is 50 ms
// the clock difference of 625 ppm will be compensated at 32 kHz
// sampling rate
rec_sample_correction_cnt = 0;
rec_correct_sample = 1;
rec_samples_pending = USBD_ADC_WrittenSamplesPending (n);
if (rec_samples_pending < RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/8) {
rec_add = 0;
} else if (rec_samples_pending < RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/4) {
rec_add = 1;
} else if ((rec_samples_pending > 3*RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/8) &&
(rec_samples_pending < 5*RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/8)) {
rec_add = 0;
} else if (rec_samples_pending > 3*RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/4) {
rec_add = -1;
if (rec_correct_sample) { // Correct sample interval is active
if (rec_add == -1) { // Removing 1 sample (1 sample for mono microphone)
// Sample N-2 is average of N-3, N-2, N-1 and N samples
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last-2] = (rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last-3] +
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last-2] +
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last-1] +
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last ])/4;
// Sample N moved to N-1
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last-1] = rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last ];
if (rec_add == 1) { // Adding 1 new sample (1 sample for mono microphone)
// Sample N moved to N+1
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last+1] = rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last ];
// Sample N is average of N-1 and N+1 samples
rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last] = (rec_buf[rec_buf_index][rec_num_last-1] +
// Send last received buffer of samples to USB
USBD_ADC_WriteSamples (n, &rec_buf[rec_buf_index][0], rec_num_last + (rec_add*RECORD_CHANNELS*rec_correct_sample));
rec_buf_index ^= 1; // Change active buffer index
// Handling of playback samples
if (play) {
play_num_last = play_num;
play_correct_sample = 0;
if (play_sample_correction_cnt++ >= PLAYBACK_SAMPLE_CORRECTION_COUNTER) {
// Correction interval counter for example if interval is 50 ms
// the clock difference of 625 ppm will be compensated at 32 kHz
// sampling rate
play_sample_correction_cnt = 0;
play_correct_sample = 1;
play_samples_available = USBD_ADC_ReceivedSamplesAvailable (0);
if (play_samples_available < PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/8) {
rec_add = 0;
} else if (play_samples_available < PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/4) {
rec_add = 1;
} else if ((play_samples_available > 3*PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/8) &&
(play_samples_available < 5*PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/8)) {
rec_add = 0;
} else if (play_samples_available > 3*PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_USB/4) {
rec_add = -1;
if (play_correct_sample) { // Correct sample interval is active
if (play_add == -1) { // Removing 1 sample (actually 2 for stereo (1 for each channel))
if (play_num >= 8) {
// Sample N-2 is average of N-3, N-2, N-1 and N samples
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-6] = (play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-8] +
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-6] +
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-4] +
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-5] = (play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-7] +
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-5] +
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-3] +
// Sample N moved to N-1
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-4] = play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-2];
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-3] = play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-1];
if (play_add == 1) { // Adding 1 new sample (actually 2 for stereo (1 for each channel))
if (play_num >= 4) {
// Sample N moved to N+1
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num] = play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-2];
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num+1] = play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-1];
// Sample N is average of N-1 and N+1 samples
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-2] = (play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-4] +
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num ])/2;
play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-1] = (play_buf[play_buf_index][play_num-3] +
if (play_num_last > 0) {
// Start new audio data transmission
Audio_SendData (&play_buf[play_buf_index][0], play_num + (play_add*PLAYBACK_CHANNELS*play_correct_sample));
play_buf_index ^= 1; // Change active buffer index
// Read next buffer of samples from USB
play_num = USBD_ADC_ReadSamples (n, (void *)(&play_buf[play_buf_index][0]), PLAYBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO);
// Called during USBD_Initialize to initialize the USB ADC class instance.
void USBD_ADCn_Initialize (void) {
// Set stereo speakers volume range to 0 to 100 with step 1, initially positioned at 50 %
USBD_ADC_SpeakerSetVolumeRange (n, 0, 0, 100, 1, 50);
// Initialize audio codec for:
// - stereo speakers
// - sampling rate 32 kHz
// - 16 bits per sample
// - not muted
// - volume at 50 %
// NOTE !!!
// - These values must correspond to settings in USBD_Config_ADC_n.h file
Audio_Initialize (&AudioCallback);
Audio_SetFrequency (AUDIO_STREAM_OUT, 32000);
// Set microphone volume range to 0 to 100 with step 1, initially positioned at 50 %
USBD_ADC_MicrophoneSetVolumeRange (n, 0, 0, 100, 1, 50);
// Initialize audio codec for:
// - mono microphone
// - sampling rate 32 kHz
// - 16 bits per sample
// - not muted
// - volume at 50 %
// NOTE !!!
// - These values must correspond to settings in USBD_Config_ADC_n.h file
Audio_SetFrequency (AUDIO_STREAM_IN, 32000);
// Called during USBD_Uninitialize to de-initialize the USB ADC class instance.
Audio_Uninitialize ();
// Callback function called when speaker activity (interface) setting changed event.
// \param[in] active activity status.
void USBD_ADCn_SpeakerStatusEvent (bool active) {
if (active) { // If playback was activated
Audio_Start (AUDIO_STREAM_OUT); // Start playback audio stream
// Start initial playback samples buffering thread
play_buf_tid = osThreadCreate (osThread (AudioPlaybackInitialBufferingThreadn), NULL);
} else { // If playback was de-activated
if (play_buf_tid) { // If initial playback samples buffering thread is active
// Kill initial playback samples buffering thread
if (osThreadTerminate (play_buf_tid) == osOK) { play_buf_tid = 0; }
Audio_Stop (AUDIO_STREAM_OUT); // Stop playback audio stream
// Callback function called when speaker mute setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_SpeakerMuteEvent (uint8_t ch, bool cur) {
// Callback function called when speaker volume setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_SpeakerVolumeEvent (uint8_t ch, uint16_t cur) {
Audio_SetVolume (AUDIO_STREAM_OUT, ch, cur);
// Callback function called when microphone activity (interface) setting changed event.
// \param[in] active activity status.
void USBD_ADCn_MicrophoneStatusEvent (bool active) {
if (active) { // If recording was activated
rec_num = RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE_AUDIO; // Receive samples
rec_buf_index = 0; // Current receiving buffer index is 0
Audio_ReceiveData(&rec_buf[0][0],rec_num);// Start initial audio data reception
Audio_Start (AUDIO_STREAM_IN); // Start recording audio stream
} else { // If recording was de-activated
Audio_Stop (AUDIO_STREAM_IN); // Stop recording audio stream
// Callback function called when microphone mute setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_MicrophoneMuteEvent (uint8_t ch, bool cur) {
// Callback function called when microphone volume setting changed event.
// \param[in] ch channel index.
// \param[in] cur current setting.
void USBD_ADCn_MicrophoneVolumeEvent (uint8_t ch, uint16_t cur) {
Audio_SetVolume (AUDIO_STREAM_IN, ch, cur);