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Syntax Description
BreakEnable number , number... Enables the specified breakpoints. Numbers are assigned to breakpoints as they are defined.
BreakEnable * Enables all breakpoints.

The BreakEnable command enables a previously defined breakpoint that was disabled with the BreakDisable command. µVision3 normally halts execution or executes a specified command when a breakpoint is reached.

>BE 0,1                        /* Enable breakpoints 0 and 1   */
>BE *                          /* Enable all breakpoints       */
>BL                            /* List current breakpoints     */

 0: (E C: 0xFF01EF) 'main', CNT=1, enabled
 1: (E C: 0xFF006A) 'timer0', CNT=10, enabled
     exec ("MyRegs()")

You may enable breakpoints via the Breakpoints dialog. This dialog opens from the main menu with Debug – Breakpoints....

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