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Converting FlashPrg.c

ULINK Flash programming algorithms can be converted to be used by RL-FlashFS.

The following example describes the conversion for the Am29x800BT Flash device:

  1. Copy the file FlashPrg.c from the folder \Keil\ARM\Flash\AM29F160DB to a subfolder of \Keil\ARM\RL\FlashFS\Flash.
  2. Rename this file to FS_FlashPrg.c
  3. Change the include header file from:
    #include "..\FlashOS.H"        // FlashOS Structures
    to the RL-FlashFS definition header.
    #include <File_Config.h>
  4. Add the Flash driver control block definition:
    /* Embedded Flash Driver Interface functions */
    static BOOL Init        (U32 adr, U32 clk);
    static BOOL UnInit      (void);
    static BOOL ProgramPage (U32 adr, U32 sz, U8 *buf);
    static BOOL EraseSector (U32 adr);
    static BOOL EraseChip   (void);         /* Optional function if supported    */
    /* Embedded Flash Device Driver Control Block */
    EFS_DRV fl0_drv = {
      NULL,                                 /* =NULL, use FFS internal ReadData  */
  5. Rename the functions and replace the function headers:
    • Init()
      int Init (unsigned long adr, unsigned long clk, unsigned long fnc) {
      static BOOL Init (U32 adr, U32 clk)  {
    • UnInit()
      int UnInit (unsigned long fnc)  {
      static BOOL UnInit (void)  {
      The fnc parameter is not used by the Flash driver.
    • EraseChip()
      int EraseChip (void) {
      static BOOL EraseChip (void) {
    • EraseSector()
      int EraseSector (unsigned long adr) {
      static BOOL EraseSector (U32 adr) {
    • ProgramPage()
      int ProgramPage (unsigned long adr, unsigned long sz, unsigned char *buf) {
      static BOOL ProgramPage (U32 adr, U32 sz, U8 *buf) {
  6. Modify the return values for all functions to: __TRUE on success and __FALSE on failure.
  7. Update the function ProgramPage() function to allow unaligned buffer access. Add the attribute __packed if buf is not accessing a byte..
    /* 'buf' might be unaligned. */
    M16(adr) = *(__packed U16 *)buf;
  8. Keep local functions that are needed, for example: Polling.
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