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Task Management Routines

Routine Attributes Description
os_sys_init Initializes and starts RL-RTX.
os_sys_init_prio Initializes and starts RL-RTX assigning a priority to the starting task.
os_sys_init_user Initializes and starts RL-RTX assigning a priority and custom stack to the starting task.
os_tsk_create Creates and starts a new task.
os_tsk_create_ex Creates, starts, and passes an argument pointer to a new task.
os_tsk_create_user Creates, starts, and assigns a custom stack to a new task.
os_tsk_create_user_ex Creates, starts, assigns a custom stack, and passes an argument pointer to a new task.
os_tsk_delete Stops and deletes a task.
os_tsk_delete_self Stops and deletes the currently running task.
os_tsk_pass Passes control to the next task of the same priority.
os_tsk_prio Changes a task's priority.
os_tsk_prio_self Changes the currently running task's priority.
os_tsk_self Obtains the task ID of the currently running task.
isr_tsk_get Obtains the task ID of the interrupted task.


  • The task management routines enable you to start the RTX kernel, create and delete various types of tasks, and control their execution priorities.
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