Network Component  Version 7.19.0
MDK Middleware for IPv4 and IPv6 Networking
Using Secure Services

The Network Component offers secure software components that are using Mbed TLS. The user of the Network Component does not see the Mbed TLS API as it is hidden by the standard API of the secure component.

Currently, the following component is available in a secure variant:

To be able to communicate securely, you will need to generate appropriate certificates for the server. The section Creating your own certificates and keys explains how to achieve this for the secure components by using additional tools that are part of the Network Component.

HTTPS Server

The web server and the compact web server have secure variants available. In the Manage Run-Time Environment window simply select the appropriate variant:

Converting the HTTP server to HTTPS

It is also possible to convert an already existing (compact) web server to a secure HTTPS web server. A few simple steps are required to achieve this:

  1. Download and install the ARM:mbedTLS Software Pack (see Add the mbed TLS library to a µVision project).
  2. Change the following software components in the Manage Run-Time Environment:
    • Set Network:Service:Web Server (Compact) variant to HTTPS. This adds the file Net_Security.c to the project which contains test keys/certificates. To change them, follow the steps provided in Creating your own certificates and keys.
    • Enable Security:mbed TLS or resolve this dependency automatically.
  3. Update the mbedTLS_Config.h configuration file with the following (a copy named mbedTLS_config_HTTPS.h is available in the Template folder):
    * Configuration template for HTTPS
    * Copyright (C) 2006-2022, Arm Limited, All Rights Reserved
    * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
    * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    #define MBEDTLS_CONFIG_VERSION 0x03010000
    /* System support */
    /* mbed TLS feature support */
    #define MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V15
    #define MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V21
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_TLS1_2
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_ALPN
    /* mbed TLS modules */
    #define MBEDTLS_AES_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_PARSE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_BASE64_C
    #define MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_CCM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_CIPHER_C
    #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_C
    //#define MBEDTLS_DEBUG_C
    #define MBEDTLS_DES_C
    #define MBEDTLS_DHM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_GCM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_MD_C
    #define MBEDTLS_MD5_C
    #define MBEDTLS_OID_C
    #define MBEDTLS_PK_C
    #define MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_PKCS5_C
    #define MBEDTLS_PKCS12_C
    #define MBEDTLS_RIPEMD160_C
    #define MBEDTLS_RSA_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA1_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA224_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA256_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA512_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_SRV_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS_C
    #define MBEDTLS_X509_USE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_X509_CSR_PARSE_C
    /* SSL options */
  4. Set your device's heap to 90KB or more (or increase existing). In the Project window, under Device, open the file startup_xxx.s and set
    Heap_Size = 0x16000
    or more, depending on your application.
  5. Configure the RTX threads
    • If you use RTX v5, you do not need to change the RTX settings, because all resources are statically allocated.
    • If you use RTX v4, you must change the following settings in the file:
      • Increase the Number of concurrent running user threads by 1
      • Increase the Number of threads with user-provided stack size by 1
      • Increase Total stack size [bytes] for threads with user-provided stack size by the value set for the macro TLS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE in TLS_mbed.c (default is 4096)
  6. Update the HTTP Server configuration file (Net_Config_HTTP_Server.h):
    • Change the Port Number to 443 or to 0 (auto-selects 443 for HTTPS or 80 for HTTP)
  7. Build the example and download to Flash. If it fails, please check your "Read/Write Memory Areas" in your target options.
  8. You can test the example from a browser by connecting to "https://board_name" or "https://ip_address" (depending on your settings in Net_Config.c file.
  • The first connection might take a while (a few seconds up to 10s) and depends on the browser and how many sockets/sessions it initially opens (differs in Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). This delay is normal and due to the time required for asymmetric cryptography calculations on the target. After the initial delay, the HTTPS server works almost as fast the HTTP server.
  • Your browser will complain during the connection that the certificate has a problem or is not trusted. You will need to add the certificate to your browser's trusted certificate storage manually.
  • Do not use the test certificate in productive environments as it is not secret. Before shipping your product, make sure that you have added your own certificates and keys.

Creating your own certificates and keys

The Network Component's HTTPS service adds the file Net_Security.c to the project. This file contains generic test keys/certificates which enable the application to run out of the box. If you want to adapt the keys/certificates to your needs, you can do this by modifying this file or by executing the batch file Net_Security.bat that is part of the Network Component.

Net_Security.bat can be registered in µVision under Tools for general usage:

  • Go to Tools --> Customize Tools Menu
  • Click the New (Insert) button and enter a meaningful name, for example "Net_Security Keys"
  • In the Command box enter $PRTE\Network\Net_Security.bat
  • In the Initial Folder box enter $PRTE\Network
  • In the Arguments box enter @K
  • Enable Run Independent
Settings required for the Net_Security.bat file

This setting is needed only once in µVision and will work for any project since it uses project related folders.

The file Net_Security.bat is copied to the project (.\RTE\Network) folder together with Net_Security.c. As it is project specific, the batch file can be customized to reflect your specific values for the certificates:

  • CA and Server Private Keys: type (default: RSA) and key_size (default: 2048)
  • CA certificate: issuer_name (default:CN="Test CA",O="Unknown",C=US), serial (default: 0), not_before (default: 20200101000000), not_after (20301231235959)
  • Server certificate: subject_name (default: CN="localhost",O="MyOrganization",C=US), serial (default: 1), not_before (default: 20200101000000), not_after (20301231235959)
  • Replace CN="localhost" with your hostname so that you can add the server's root CA certificate to your "Trusted Root Certification Authorities". Then the browser will not complain that the website is not trusted.

The beginning of the file contains some environment settings that can also be changed:

  • RTEPATH: specifies the path to Software Packs. This is required if the batch file is executed directly from Windows. When it is executed from µVision, it is set automatically.
  • Pack Versions (MDK-MW and mbedTLS): only required if you want to select a specific Pack version. By default, the latest available Pack is used.

As soon as you run the batch file from the Tools menu, it will create the keys/certificates and change the Net_Security.c automatically to reflect the changes. You can then continue building the project.

  • The Net_Security.bat file calls the pem2mw.exe utility. This utility does not support all kinds of certificates.
  • If you are using an unsupported certificate, you can bypass pem2mw easily by manually creating the output Net_Security.c file:
    • Adapt Net_Security.bat to skip calling pem2mw (optional)
    • Copy the contents of ca.crt into NetSecurity_ServerCA structure in Net_Security.c and add leading " and trailing \n" to each line
    • Copy the contents of server.crt into NetSecurity_ServerCert structure in Net_Security.c and add leading " and trailing \n" to each line
    • Copy the contents of server.key into NetSecurity_ServerKey structure in Net_Security.c and add leading " and trailing \n" to each line

Code example:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


const uint8_t NetSecurity_ServerKey[] =
"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"

SMTPS Client

The e-mail client is available in a secure variant. In the Manage Run-Time Environment window, simply select the appropriate variant:

Converting the SMTP client to SMTPS

It is also possible to convert an already existing e-mail client to a secure SMTPS e-mail client. A few simple steps are required to achieve this:

  1. Download and install the ARM:mbedTLS Software Pack (see Add the mbed TLS library to a µVision project).
  2. Change the following software components in the Manage Run-Time Environment:
    • Set Network:Service:SMTP Client variant to SMTPS. This adds the file Net_Security.c to the project which contains an empty CA certificate. To define it, follow the steps provided in Adding server root CA certificate.
    • Enable Security:mbed TLS or resolve this dependency automatically.
  3. Update the mbedTLS_Config.h configuration file with the following (a copy named mbedTLS_config_SMTPS.h is available in the Template folder):
    * Configuration template for SMTPS
    * Copyright (C) 2006-2022, Arm Limited, All Rights Reserved
    * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
    * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    #define MBEDTLS_CONFIG_VERSION 0x03010000
    /* System support */
    /* mbed TLS feature support */
    #define MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V15
    #define MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V21
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_TLS1_2
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_ALPN
    /* mbed TLS modules */
    #define MBEDTLS_AES_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_PARSE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_WRITE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_BASE64_C
    #define MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_CCM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_CIPHER_C
    #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_C
    //#define MBEDTLS_DEBUG_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ECDH_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ECDSA_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ECP_C
    #define MBEDTLS_ERROR_C
    #define MBEDTLS_GCM_C
    #define MBEDTLS_MD_C
    #define MBEDTLS_OID_C
    #define MBEDTLS_PK_C
    #define MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_RSA_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA1_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA224_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA256_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SHA512_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_CLI_C
    #define MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS_C
    #define MBEDTLS_X509_USE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_X509_CRT_PARSE_C
    #define MBEDTLS_X509_CRL_PARSE_C
    /* SSL options */
  4. Set your device's heap to at least 49 KB or increase appropriately. In the Project window, under Device, open the file startup_xxx.s and set
    Heap_Size = 0xC000
    or more, depending on your application.
  5. Configure the RTX threads
    • If you use RTX v5, you do not need to change the RTX settings, because all recources are statically allocated.
    • If you use RTX v4, you must change the following settings in the file:
      • Increase the Number of concurrent running user threads by 1
      • Increase the Number of threads with user-provided stack size by 1
      • Increase Total stack size [bytes] for threads with user-provided stack size by the value set for the macro TLS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE in TLS_mbed.c (default is 4096)
  6. Build the example and download to Flash. If it fails, please check your "Read/Write Memory Areas" in your target options.
  7. You can test the example by sending an e-mail to your e-mail account, for example to Gmail or Yahoo.

Adding server root CA certificate

The SMTPS service of the Network Component adds the Net_Security.c file to the project. This file contains an empty section for the e-mail server root CA certificate, so you cannot initially build the application. You must provide a valid root CA certificate for the server that you use to send e-mail. The certificate must be provided in PEM-encoding. Copy the contents of the certificate into the NetSecurity_EmailServerCA structure in Net_Security.c and add a leading " and a trailing \n" to each line.

// Email Server root CA certificate
const uint8_t NetSecurity_EmailServerCA[] =
"... base64 data ...\n"
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";

Verifying the e-mail server is required by default to increase e-mail security. If you do not want to verify the server, you can disable server verification by defining the SMTPS_SERVER_VERIFY_NONE in your project (Options for Component Class Network - SMTP_Client - C/C++ Preprocessor Symbols - Define).

  • It is not necessary to create your own certificates or keys to send secure e-mail using SMTPS.