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Current Breakpoints
Lists the breakpoints. Double-click a list item to modify the breakpoint definition.
Specifies a condition for which the breakpoint is triggered. Examples are provided in the description of the Breakpoint window.
The value specifies how often the expression has to become true before the breakpoint is triggered.
This command is executed when the breakpoint is triggered. µVision executes the command and resumes execution to the target program. Debug or signal functions can be used. To halt program execution from within a µVision function, set the _break_ system variable.
Saves the changes or creates a new breakpoint.
Kill Selected
Removes the highlighted breakpoint.
Kill All
Removes all breakpoints.
Closes the dialog.


Defines an access break that triggers when a memory read access occurs.
Defines an access break that triggers when a memory write access occurs.
Specifies the memory size that is checked for an read- or write access break.
Defines the memory size in bytes.
Defines the memory size as objects.


  • When an Access Breakpoint (read or write) is set to a peripheral register (SFR) in the Simulator, the breakpoint might trigger even though the application did not access the peripheral register. This happens because the µVision Simulator makes no difference between application-driven and Simulator-internal accesses.
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