MDK Components  Version 6.6
MDK-Professional Middleware
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Documentation for using Middleware

This user's guide contains the following chapters:

  • Generic Steps explains the necessary steps to create from scratch a project containing a Middleware component.
  • Stack, Heap and RTOS Configuration describes how to configure a project to meet the resource requirements of the Middleware.

Every middleware component has a section on the following topics to explain how to create an application:

  • Create an Application contains step-by-step instructions for using the components in an embedded application.
  • Example projects outline key product features of the software components. They are tested, implemented, and proven on several evaluation boards and can be used as a starting point for application development.
  • Resource Requirements state the stack, thread and memory resource requirements for every component.
  • Reference documents the files of a component and each API function.

The following table gives you links to the respective sections of each middleware component:

Topic Links to Documentation
Create an Application File System Graphics Network USB Device USB Host
Example projects File System Network USB Device USB Host
Resource Requirements File System Graphics Network USB
Reference File System Graphics Network USB