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Differences Between µVision3 and dScope

The µVision3 debugger replaces the Keil dScope for Windows. dScope debug functions require the following modifications for correct execution in the µVision3 debugger.

  • In dScope the memset debug function parameters are different. The µVision3 memset debug function parameters are now identical with the ANSI C memset function.
  • The dScope debug function bit is no longer available and needs to be replaced with _RBYTE and _WBYTE function calls. With dScope debug functions char, uchar, int, uint, long, ulong, float, and double it is possible to read and write memory. Replace these debug functions in µVision3 according the following list.

    dScope Memory Access Function µVision3 Replacement for Memory Read Memory Write
    bit _RBYTE combine _RBYTE and _WBYTE
    char, uchar _RBYTE _WBYTE
    int, uint _RWORD _WWORD
    long, ulong _RDWORD _WDWORD
    float _RFLOAT _WFLOAT
    double _RDOUBLE _WDOUBLE
  • In dScope the memset debug function parameters are different. The µVision3 memset debug function parameters are now identical with the ANSI C memset function.
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