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ARMClang LLVM Compiler

ARMCLANG: "No Tools.ini found" reported by Linker
ARMCLANG: Adding Instrumentation calls for Profiling Functions
ARMCLANG: Arm FuSa RTS - Arm Compiler 6 Optimization Levels
ARMCLANG: ARM7/9 support with Arm Compiler 6 (AC6)
ARMCLANG: Can I change the optimization level within a C source file?
ARMCLANG: Cannot Allocate Memory for GLCD Frame Buffer
ARMCLANG: Code size comparison between ARMCC and ARMCLANG
ARMCLANG: Compiling a char array faster
ARMCLANG: Create C compiler listing using ARMCLANG
ARMCLANG: Declare SVC function within ARMCLANG
ARMCLANG: Error: Failed to Checkout a License (Arm Compiler 6 + Win10)
ARMCLANG: Error: No License Checking Back-end Registered with id Keil.
ARMCLANG: Extend heap to use different memory regions
ARMCLANG: Fatal Error: UTF-16 (LE) Byte Order Mark Detected
ARMCLANG: Issue using built-in ARMCLANG 6.9 in MDK 5.25pre
ARMCLANG: L6079E: Subtool invocation error: Error executing armcc
ARMCLANG: L6218E: Undefined Symbol __aeabi_assert
ARMCLANG: L6743E: Internal Consistency Check Failed
ARMCLANG: Linker Error: Internal fault: [0xb3b91b:6120001]
ARMCLANG: Migration: L6242E: Clash with Different Sized Enum and Wchar
ARMCLANG: Pre-processing of Assembler File in armclang
ARMCLANG: Producing dependency file from an assembly file
ARMCLANG: Selecting software floating-point option for AArch32
ARMCLANG: Support for global named register variables
ARMCLANG: The order of sections/symbols in output image file
ARMCLANG: Use of LTO is disallowed in this variant of ARM Compiler
ARMCLANG: Using armclang without the ARM C library
ARMCLANG: Using the Heap and Stack
ARMCLANG: Wrong result from (int&mask)<<shift when compiling with -O0
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