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News News Item

15 May 2020

Award winning Arm FuSa RTS and X-CUBE-STL

The Arm Run-Time System for Functional Safety Applications (Arm FuSa RTS) can be combined with the STMicroelectronics X-CUBE-STL software test library for use in Industry 4.0, medical, automotive and home electrical appliances. In close collaboration with STMicroelectronics, we have created application note 326 "Using X-CUBE-STL with Arm FuSa RTS" that contains detailed safety instructions for STM32 devices. An example project is provided for the STM32F4 platform.

Learn more about Functional Safety Solutions from STMicroelectronics and how they work together with development solutions from Arm.

Since its introduction in June 2019, Arm FuSa RTS has received a lot of attention in the functional safety market. As this saves lots of hard work for our customers, the readers of the German magazine "Elektronik" have voted Arm FuSa RTS second in the category Software-Engineering. A big "Thank You!" to the readers of "Elektronik"!

Elektronik Award for Arm FuSa RTS
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