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Develop an Advanced Software Platform on STM32F7

Warsaw, Poland — Sep 1, 2015

Arrow Electronics in conjunction with ARM´s Distributor WG Electronics is delighted to invite you and your colleagues to our latest hands-on workshop designed to help you learn to efficiently develop projects for STM32F7 devices. In the ‘hands on’ section of the seminar you´ll  learn about the Industry leading Keil MDK-ARM toolchain , the MDK V5 software packs  and how to write and debug a simply program based on CMSIS RTOS. Following this first exercises, you´ll expand a simple program by adding the Keil Professional middleware components including the Keil USB Component, File System Component and the Networking Component. By the end session you will have a development platform that allows you to easily unleash the advanced features of the STM32F7. After the seminar you will be able to extend  this platform to build your own experimental projects using a free month’s trial license for the Professional toolchain.

Please don´t forget to register. After registration, you will be informed about the details of the event.

The event will also be performed in Katowice on September 3rd 

Workshop:   Develop an Advanced Software Platform on STM32F7
Date:   Sep 1, 2015
Location:   Warsaw, Poland
Status:   No seats are available in this workshop.

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