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Running PC-Lint

PC-Lint from Gimpel Software checks the syntax and semantics of C programs across all modules of your application. PC-Lint flags possible bugs and inconsistencies and locates unclear, erroneous, or non-sense C code. PC-Lint may considerably reduce the debugging effort of your target application.

Install PC-Lint on your PC and enter parameters in the dialog Tools — Setup PC Lint. The example shows a typical PC-Lint configuration.

To get correct output in the Build page, you should use the configuration file that is located in the folder KEIL\ARM\BIN.

After the setup of PC-Lint you may Lint your source code. Tools — Lint … runs PC-Lint on the current in focus editor file. Tools — Lint All C Source Files runs PC-Lint across all C source files of your project. The PC-Lint messages are redirected to the Build — Output Window. A double click on a Lint message line locates the editor to the source file position.

PC-Lint Output Window Example

To get correct results in the BuildOutput Window, PC-Lint needs the following option lines in the configuration file:

-hsb_3 // 3 lines output, column below
-format="*** LINT: %(%f(%l) %)%t %n: %m" // Change message output format
-width(0,10) // Don't break lines

Each toolset uses specific PC-LINT configuration files that are configured for the various compiler variants. These configuration files contain all relevant PC-LINT configuration options including the lines shown above. It is strongly recommended to use the following configuration files, since they contain also other PC-Lint options required for the various compilers.

PC-LINT Configuration File Description
..\C51\BIN\CO-KC51.LNT PC-LINT configuration file for Keil C51 and CX51.
..\C251\BIN\CO-KC251.LNT PC-LINT configuration file for Keil C251.
..\C166\BIN\CO-KC166.LNT PC-LINT configuration file for Keil C166 for classic C16x and ST10 devices.
..\C166\BIN\CO-KC166XC.LNT PC-LINT configuration file for Keil C166 for XC16x devices.
..\ARM\BIN\CO-KCARM.LNT PC-LINT configuration file for Keil CARM.
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