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Syntax Description
KILL BUTTON number Removes a Toolbox buttons.
KILL FUNC * Deletes all µVision3 functions.
KILL FUNC function_name Deletes the function_name µVision3 function.

The KILL command lets you delete previously defined Toolbox buttons and µVision3 functions.

The KILL BUTTON command lets you remove a previously defined Toolbox button. When you use this command, you must specify the number of the Toolbox button to remove. This number displays in the Toolbox window in front of each button.

The KILL FUNC * command removes all previously defined user functions and signal functions. Predefined µVision3 functions are not deleted

The KILL FUNC function_name command removes the specified user function or signal function.


>KILL FUNC ANALOG      /* Delete user function analog */
>KILL FUNC myregs      /* Delete user function myregs */
>KILL FUNC *           /* Delete all user functions     */

>KILL BUTTON 3         /* Kill Toolbox Button number 3  */

>KILL BUTTON 1         /* Kill Toolbox Button number 1  */
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