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Syntax Description
Enter type address = expr , expr ... Changes the contents of memory starting at address using expressions (expr) of the specified data type.

The Enter command lets you change the contents of memory starting at the specified address. You may enter the following data types.

Type Description
CHAR A signed or unsigned character.
DOUBLE A double precision floating-point number.
FLOAT A floating-point number.
INT A signed or unsigned integer.
LONG A signed or unsigned long integer.

You may specify multiple expressions, separated by commas ( , ), which are converted into the specified data types and finally stored in consecutive addresses in memory.

>E CHAR x:0 = 1,2,"-µVision3-"                   /* Enter Characters */
>D x:0
 X:0000  01 02 2D 64 53 63 6F 70 65 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00   ..-µVision3-......

>E FLOAT x:0x2000 = 3,4,15.2,0.33                /* Enter Float      */
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