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Checking Program Output

To check the program output from the BLINKY program, start the program running either from the debugger via JTAG or by cycling power on the board. The LCD panel initially displays the following message:

MCBTSX1001 Demo

After a few seconds, the LCD displays:

AD value: 0xXXXX

Where XXXX is the 16-bit hexadecimal ADC value. Below that, a bar graph that reflects the current potentiometer setting. Adjusting the potentiometer changes the AD value display and the bar graph.

Checking Serial Output

To check the serial output from the BLINKY program, connect a serial cable from the DB9 connector labelled COM on the board to an unused COM port on your development PC. Use a terminal emulation program, such as Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal, to display the serial data on your PC monitor.

To start the Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal application, select Start — Programs — Accessories — Communications — HyperTerminal.

  1. Enter a Name for the new connection, for example: MCBSTM32.

    HyperTerm Connection Description Dialog

  2. Select the PC COM port you will use in Connect Using. For this example, we will use COM2.

    HyperTerm Connect To Dialog

  3. Select 9600 Bits per second, 8 Data bits, Parity None, Stop bits 1 and Flow control None.

    HyperTerm Properties Dialog

  4. Click OK. The serial message containing the measured analog value of the A-to-D converter value continuously displays in the HyperTerminal window, as shown below.

    HyperTerm screen showing AD results

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