Board Support  Version 1.0
Functions available when using the Board Software Components
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The Demo project shows the hardware features available on a specific development board. Depending on the type of board and the microcontroller device, nearly all BSP Interfaces are demonstrated.


Build the "Demo" Project

Open the example project in MDK (the Pack Installer's web page explains how to do this). The µVision Project window should display a similar project structure:

Demo Project Structure

Source Files

  • Demo.c contains the main C function that initializes the board hardware and the peripheral components.
  • Arrows_16bpp_red.c, Bulb_16bpp.c, and Button_16bpp.c are images that are shown on the development board's LCD.
  • RTX_Conf_CM.c is a configuration file for CMSIS-RTOS RTX.

You may now build and download the example project to the evaluation board using the µVision commands:

  • Project –> Build target
  • Flash –> Download

After these steps, the project should start executing on your evaluation kit. In case of errors, refer to the Evaluation Board User's Guide for configuration information.

Using the "Demo" Project

Hardware Setup

The setup of the Evaluation Board hardware is described in the Abstract.txt file.

  • Verify all jumper settings on the target hardware.

Use the touchscreen, accelerometer, potentiometer, joystick, and buttons to work with the example project.