Board Support  Version 1.0
Functions available when using the Board Software Components
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
\InterfacesBoard Drivers
 oLEDLED Interface: control up to 32 status LEDs
 oButtonsButtons Interface
 oJoystickJoystick Interface: input device with 5 buttons
 oA/D ConverterAnalog to Digital Converter Interface
 oD/A ConverterDigital to Analog Converter Interface
 oAudioAudio Interface
 |oStream IdentifiersIdentifiers for audio streams
 |oChannel IdentifiersIdentifiers for audio channels
 |oData Format IdentifiersIdentifiers for audio data formats
 |\Audio EventsIdentifiers for audio events
 oGraphic LCDGraphic LCD Interface
 |oConfigurationDisplay configuration
 |\Color codingPredefined colors
 oTouchscreenTouchscreen Interface of LCD Graphic displays
 oThermometerThermometer Interface: connects to a temperature sensor
 oMagnetometerMagnetometer Interface
 oAccelerometerAccelerometer Interface
 oGyroscopeGyroscope Interface
 oCameraCamera Interface