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B. Glossary

Active task
A task which is created and not yet destroyed.
Context switch
A task takes over the CPU from another task, after an event for this task occurred, and provided, this task has a higher priority than the currently running task.
Cooperative multitasking
Tasks of same priority keep in possession of the CPU resources until they relinquish it to other tasks.
A signal or message which triggers some kind of processing.
Interrupt service routine
A function into which the program vectors into on occurrence of an hardware or software interrupt.
Abbreviation for interrupt service routine
A set of tasks which share one or more CPUs for concurrent processing.
Memory pool
A list of memory blocks having the same size which can get allocated and de allocated dynamically by application functions.
The process which moves a currently running task into the ready state, when a task with higher priority gets ready to run.
The importance of a task. Important or time-critical task can get control over the CPU resources even if another task of lower priority is currently executing.
A task which runs in an infinite loop without waiting for events.
Round robin
A technique to force running tasks to the ready state and thus allowing ready tasks of the same priority to get control over the CPU resources.
A function which does some processing in concurrence with other functions.
A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network. It is bound to a port number so that the TCP/UDP layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent.
Port number
A port number identifies both a computer and also a "channel" within that computer where network communication will take place.
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