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Fatal Error L250

*** Fatal Error L250

Code Size Limit in Restricted Version Exceeded


You have reached the code size limit of the C166 Light (Evaluation) Version. This error can be caused by several reasons.

  • You are using the evaluation toolkit. Open a project with µVision and click Help - About. If the IDE reports that your serial number is EVAL VERSION (or something similar), then you need purchasing and installing the full version of the toolkit.
  • An object file might exist that was compiled or assembled with the evaluation version or a previous version of the toolkit.
    1. Open the project with µVision.
    2. Click Project - Clean target.
    3. Click Project - Rebuild all target files.
    All object files get removed and recompiled. This will solve the issue in many cases.
  • The project uses a device with an architecture different than supported by your fully licensed toolkit. For example, you have licensed the PK166 toolkit but the project uses a device that must be compiled with the MDK-ARM toolkit (can be an ARM7, ARM9, or a Cortex-M device). The IDE recognizes this dependency and runs the MDK-ARM toolkit in evaluation mode if you have no MDK-ARM license.
    1. License the toolkit that fits to the device.
    2. Specify another device in case a wrong device has been selected for the project.
  • If you have another version of the same µVision toolkit installed on your PC:
    1. Click Project - Manage - Components,Environment, Books
    2. Click the tab Folders/Extensions
    3. If the text box BIN is not empty, make sure the path points to the folder /BIN that contains the latest version of µVision.
  • You have a license, but the version of the tools was released after the end of the support period for the product. The build output will also contain C500 warnings, with this issue. Either renew support through a distributor or one of our sales teams (, or downgrade to a release supported by the product.

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