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µVISION: Module Error! Text Completion deactivated, at Goto Definition

Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:

  • Keil MDK 5.27
  • Arm Compiler 6


With Keil MDK 5.27 and Arm Compiler 6 in use the Goto Definition feature results in the following error message:
Module Error! text completion deactivated.


With Keil MDK 5.27 this feature can result in this error, depending on your projects Misc Control Settings.


Follow these instructions to temporarily overcome the error message:

  • open µVisions Options For Target - C/C++ (AC6)
  • jump to the end of the Misc Controls settings
  • remove the Blank which might exist there

  • restart µVision and retry using Goto Definition


Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 20, 2020

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