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µVISION: What's in the .i File?

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51 Version 6.12 and later
  • µVision Version 2.12 and later


When I build my project in µVision, a *.I file is created for each source file in my project. What is in these files?


The *.I file is a preprocessor output file. It is created when you specify the PREPRINT directive on the compiler command line or when you check the C Preprocessor Listing check box in the µVision Project Options Listing Tab.

The preprocessor output file lists the preprocessor output for the compilation of a source file. To disable generation of these files, uncheck the C Preprocessor Listing check box in µVision or remove the PREPRINT directive from the C compiler command line.


Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 7, 2021

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