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RL-ARM SD/MMC File Demo for MCB2470


This is a Real-Time Library (RL-ARM) Flash File System file manipulation example. You can create, read, copy and delete files from a SD/MMC Flash Memory Card. Also formatting the card is possible. This example project is designed to work with Keil MCB2470 Evaluation Board.

To use this example:

  • Connect ULINK2 to the MCB2470 Evaluation Board and power the board.
  • Connect MCB2470 Board UART#2 port to PC COM port via serial cable.
  • start Hyperterminal session.
    (115200 baud, 8-bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, XON/XOFF).
  • In uVision - load the project file and execute Flash - Download.

In the Hyperterminal window you now have a commandline interface to manipulate files on a SD/MMC Flash Memory Card plugged into MCB2470 Evaluation Board. Type Help for a list of available commands.

The SD_FILE program is a standalone application loaded into on-chip flash and available for two targets:

  • MCB2470:
    Standalone application for Keil MCB2400 Board using UART#2 port as a communication interface.
    Connect a serial cable to RS232 COM1 port using HyperTerminal at 115200 baud, 8-bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, XON/XOFF.
  • MCB2470 RT_Agent:
    Standalone application for Keil MCB2470 Board using RealTime-Agent as a communication interface.
    You can test it only with ULINK2 from uVision debugger.

This pre-compiled version is for target "MCB2470" and may be downloaded using an evalution version of the RealView MDK-ARM package. Note that MDK-ARM Version 3.40 or later is required.

MCB2470_SD_FILE.ZIP (101K)
Monday, May 18, 2009
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