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AT25 SPI EEPROM Simulation for NXP LPC2000

The project LPC2000_SPI_AT25 is a program for the LPC2000 with external AT25 SPI EEPROM. It demonstrates full simulation including external SPI EEPROM.

User and Signal functions (defined in the debugger init file Sim.ini) are used to simulate an AT25 SPI EEPROM connected via SSP.

For more details about User/Signal functions refer to µVision User's Guide: Debug Functions.

The program is available for target:

  • Simulator: runs in software simulator.

The example is written for LPC2000 with SSP but can be simply converted to any other MCU.

LPC2000_SPI_AT25.ZIP (14K)
Friday, March 14, 2008
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