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Interrupt-Driven UART I/O for Philips LPC23xx

This example program provides easily configurable interrupt-driven UART I/O routines. The buffer sizes for receive and transmit may be independently configured to 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,... bytes long.

Routines to send and receive characters are included along with routines that return the number of characters in either buffer.

Included are fputc and fgetc routines that interface printf and scanf to the interrupt-driven UART I/O routines.

UART I/O is handled in a separate file (SIO.C) that you can use in your own programs. This example works with Philips LPC23xx devices and uses the vectored interrupt controller and software interrupt functions.

Targets for simulation and for Evaluation Board MCB2300 are preset.

This example programm is precompiled for Evaluation Board MCB2300. To run this example, connect the Evaluation Board via ULINK and download the application using Flash - Download.

Monday, September 24, 2007
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