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Peripheral Simulation

For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2361 — Watchdog Timer

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Watchdog Dialog


The Watchdog Timer Dialog shows the current state of the on-chip Watchdog Timer. You can change the Watchdog Timer settings using the controls in this dialog.

Mode Register

  • WDMOD (Watchdog Mode Register) contains the Watchdog Timer mode (Debug or Operate) and status bits of the Watchdog Timer.
  • WDEN (Watchdog Timer Enable)is set to enable the Watchdog Timer interrupt.
  • WDRESET (Watchdog Timer Reset) is set to reset the Watchdog Timer.
  • WDTOF (Watchdog Timer Time-Out Flag) is set when the Watchdog Timer times out.
  • WDINT (Watchdog Timer Interrupt Flag) is set when a Watchdog Timer interrupt occurs.

Time Constant and Value

  • WDTC (Watchdog Timer Constant Register) contains the time-out value used to reload the Watchdog Timer.
  • WDTV (Watchdog Timer Value Register) contains the current value of the Watchdog Timer.

Feed Register

  • WDFEED (Watchdog Timer Feed Sequence Register) is used to reload the Watchdog Timer. Writing 0xAA followed by 0x55 to this register reloads the Watchdog Timer to its preset value.
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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