Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) P89LPC921 — I²C Interface
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
- VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
I²C Interface Communication Dialog
The I²C Communication Dialog allows you to view the data sent
or received on the I²C bus.
I²C Message Generator Group
Address contains address of the sending or receiving
Direction selects the direction of the message to be
sent or received.
- Bytes is the length of the last message in bytes.
- Data is the message data sent or received.
- Generate starts message transmission.
- Stop suspends I²C bus communication.
To clear the message display, double-click anywhere in the message
display area.
I²C Interface Hardware Dialog
The I²C Hardware Interface dialog displays all configuration
options for the on-chip I²C controller. You may interactively
alter and view these options using the dialog controls. Simulation of
this interface is controlled by the following groups:
Control Group
I2CON (I²C Control Register) contains the following
bits that control the functions of the I²C:
I2EN (I²C Enable) is set when the I²C is
STA (I²C Start Flag) is set when the I²C has
started a transmission as a master.
STO (I²C Stop Flag) is set to send a stop condition
on the I²C bus.
AA (I²C Assert Acknowledge Flag) is set to request
that an acknowledge be returned during the acknowledge cycle.
SI (I²C Serial Interrupt Flag) is set to trigger a
I²C interrupt.
Clock Group
CRSEL (I²C Clock Selection Register) when set, a
Timer 1 overflow generates the serial clock (SCL). If reset, the
internal SCL generator is used based on the values of I2SCLH and
I2SCLH (I²C Serial Clock High) contains the maximum
number of PCLK cycles for the internal SCL generator. CRSEL must be
I2SCLL (I²C Serial Clock Low) contains the minimum
number of PCLK cycles for the internal SCL generator. CRSEL must be
I2C Master Clock is the master clock calculated from the
system clock and the SMB0CR value.
Status Group
I2STAT (I²C Status Register) contains the 8-bit
status code.
Device Mode displays the state of the I²C
- Status a text description of the status code.
Address Group
I2ADR (I²C Address Register) contains the following
Slave Address (I²C Address Register) contains the
slave address of the I²C interface.
GC (General Call) is set when the general call address
is recognized.
Data Group
I2DAT (I²C Data Register) contains the either the
data to be transmitted or the data just received.
Data Type: unsigned long
The I2C_CLK VTREG specifies the clock frequency (in Hz) to
use in SLAVE mode. For example:
I2C_CLK = 100000
specifies a clock frequency of 100KHz.
Data Type: unsigned int
The I2C_IN VTREG contains data sent from an I²C
peripheral to the simulated MCU. The following values may be written
to this register:
- 0x0000-0x00FF: An address or data byte transfer.
0x0100: START byte. This initiates a SLAVE transmit or
receive. The next byte sent is the address.
- 0xFF00: ACK.
- 0xFF01: NACK.
- 0xFFFF: IDLE or STOP condition.
Data Type: unsigned int
The I2C_OUT VTREG contains data sent from the simulated MCU
to the I²C peripheral. The following values are possible:
- 0x0000-0x00FF: An address or data byte transfer.
0x0100: START byte. This initiates a MASTER transmit or
receive. The next byte sent is the address.
- 0xFF00: ACK.
- 0xFF01: NACK.
- 0xFFFF: IDLE or STOP condition.