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What's New in ARARM Version 1.10

  • [Kernel]
    Added the os_evt_get event handling function which returns event flags served by the os_evt_wait_or function.
  • [Kernel]
    Added the following examples to the \KEIL\ARM\ARTX\EXAMPLES\ base folder:
    • RoundRobin demonstrates round-robin task switching.
    • Semaphore demonstrates how to use a shared resource (a UART) from different tasks using a semaphore.
  • [Kernel]
    Corrected a configuration problem of the timer tick reload in the ARTX_CONFIG.C configuration file for OKI and ST devices. Improper timer tick reload could cause stalls in Kernel delay handling when isr_mbx_send, isr_evt_set, and isr_sem_send functions were used.
  • [Kernel]
    Corrected a problem with invalid delays when frequent isr... function calls were made from interrupt routines. This could cause shorter delays than specified for os_dly_wait, os_itv_wait, and other system delay and timeout functions.
  • [Kernel]
    Corrected a problem in os_mbx_wait and os_sem_wait functions when they were called with the timeout parameter set to 0. In this case the function returned a wrong result value. The timeout value 0 is used to fetch a message or obtain a token from a semaphore without waiting.
  • [Kernel]
    Modified the ARTX_CONFIG.C configuration files for all device variants. The function os_tmr_set_ovf has been replaced with by the os_tmr_force_irq function.

    The ARTX_CONFIG.c has been updated and is no longer compatible with older versions.
  • [TCPNet]
    Corrected a problem in the Telnet server when some characters were not echoed back. This problem occurred if typing on the remote Telnet client was too fast.
  • [TCPNet]
    Corrected a problem of locking-up an LAN91C111 Ethernet controller on high traffic LANs. This problem could occur when a lot of packets are received in a short time and the CPU is not fast enough to process them. When the MMU unit of the LAN91C111 Ethernet controller is locked, the driver now restarts the MMU unit to prevent lockups.
  • [TCPNet]
    Added configurable PPP retransmissions and timeouts to the ANET_CONFIG.C configuration file. You may increase the default timeouts and number of retransmissions when PPP connections fail on slow serial links or when network latency is high (as may be the case with a GSM PPP data link).
  • [TCPNet]
    Added new functions http_get_info and tnet_get_info to retrieve the remote machine IP address and MAC address. These functions may be used to limit access rights from remote machines based on IP or MAC addresses.
  • [TCPNet]
    Added a serial driver for Philips LPC21xx devices. This driver is used for serial PPP or SLIP connections. The following serial drivers are currently available:
    • \KEIL\ARM\ARTX\SRC\TCPNET\SERIAL.C for Philips LPC21xx and LPC22xx devices.
    • \KEIL\ARM\ARTX\SRC\TCPNET\SERIAL_S3C44B0X.C for Samsung S3C44B0X devices.

    The ARTX_CONFIG.C has been updated and is no longer compatible with older versions.
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