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Using an Array

Hi I have the following array declared at the start of my program as global:

int number[] = {0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x98};

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

It is for a 7 segment display to display the numbers that I need, the array is from 0-9 in that order.

My code to call the array is:

P2 = number[4];

so in this case it should get the 4th number being 0x99

This works fine if i replace the 4 with 0,1 or 2 but anything greater than 2 all it does is return the data for 8 (80)

If anyone can work out why this is doing this please let me know
