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Program with initialised global variables does not run

Experts, I have a 'C' program that contains an array of around 10 unsigned int's. If I initialise it during the declaration, the code never enters main() (I placed a breakpoint on the first instruction inside my main() but it never got hit).
unsigned int array[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // does not work.

If I remove the initialisation part, it works. Why?
MCU = C8051F340 (Silabs)
Keil version = C51 COMPILER V7.10
Assembler command line flags: XR GEN DB EP NOMOD51
Compiler command line flags: PW(80) SB LC OT(9,Size) CD DB OE DF(__F340_VER__) Large
Linker command line flags: RS(256) PL(68) PW(78) IX

