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What's New in RL-ARM Version 3.05

  • [Real-Time Library]
    Added support for STMicroelectronics STR750 devices. Added configuration details to RTX_CONFIG.C. An RTX_Blinky example for the Keil MCBSTR750 Evaluation Board is found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\BOARD\KEIL\MCBSTR750\ folder.
  • [Real-Time Library]
    Updated examples for Atmel evaluation boards and made several changes to the SAM7.S and SAM9261.S configuration files.
  • [Real-Time Library]
    Updated all HTTP_Demo examples. The index.htm default page has been updated and DHCP client timeout implemented. If DHCP did not obtain an IP address in 5 seconds, it is disabled and a static IP is used.
  • [RTX Kernel]
    Enhanced handling of isr_xxx() functions to increase execution speed and performance.
  • [RTX Kernel]
    Updated task create functions os_tsk_create_user and os_tsk_create_user_ex. Those functions now autocorrect user-provided stack size for 8-byte stack alignment.
  • [RTX Kernel]
    Improved RTX configuration for STR71x, STR73x, and STR75x devices. Standard RTX configuration no longer requires SWI_Table.S. The system function __swi(8) from RTX_Config.c has been changed to __swi(7). This requires no external SWI_Table included into the project.
  • [RTX Kernel]
    Corrected a problem with the isr_sem_send function. When a task was already waiting for a semaphore, isr_send_sem might hold that task in the WAIT_SEM state for an additional 65,536 system tick intervals.
  • [TCPnet]
    Added LEDSwitch server and Client example configured for a serial dial-up PPP connection. This example is found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\TCPNET\EXAMPLES\ folder.
  • [TCPnet]
    Corrected a problem with the DHCP client module that caused some DHCP clients to fail to obtain a valid IP address (when several DHCP clients started simultaneously). This occurred because DHCP reply checking was not strict and two or more DHCP clients could try to obtain the same IP address. The DHCP client which failed would still obtain a valid IP address after DHCP had been internally restarted (after 30 seconds).
  • [TCPnet]
    Corrected a problem with the Null_Modem.c modem driver. This driver failed to work with a Windows XP dial-in PPP connection.
  • [Flash File System]
    Added a Memory Card Interface driver for the MCB2300 SD/MMC Flash Memory Card. An SD_File example is found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\BOARDS\KEIL\MCB2300\ folder.
  • [Flash File System]
    Added an SPI Interface driver for the MCBSTR9 SD/MMC Flash Memory Card. An SD_File example is found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\BOARDS\KEIL\MCBSTR9\ folder.
  • [Flash File System]
    Added an SPI Interface driver for the MCBSTR750 SD/MMC Flash Memory Card. An SD_File example is found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\BOARDS\KEIL\MCBSTR750\ folder.
  • [Flash File System]
    Corrected a problem in the FAT module that caused the Flash File System to work incorrectly when more than 16 files were stored on a Flash Memory Card. The file was stored, but the directory entry was not updated, so the file was not seen in the directory listing.
  • [CAN Drivers]
    Corrected a potential problem in all CAN drivers. With high baud rate and high traffic rate, the old CAN drivers could lose some of the transmitted messages.
  • [USB Drivers]
    Added RTX USB examples for MCB2300. They are found in \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\USB\LPC23XX\ folder.
  • [USB Drivers]
    Added RTX USB examples for MCBSTR9. They are found in \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\USB\STR91X\ folder.
  • [USB Drivers]
    Added USB examples for MCBSTR750. They are found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\RTL\USB\STR75X\ folder.
  • [FCARM]
    Corrected a problem with regards to invalid backslash character ('\') expansion when creating webserver filesystem files. This has now been expanded to '\\' for .html and .inc files. This problem created invalid html files when javascript was used with code such as:
    t if(ValueString.match(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}&/
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