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( ) Assembler Operator

The argument list between parentheses depends on the use case.

Parentheses operators are used to:

  • group expressions
  • change precedence
  • isolate conditional expressions
  • define and call functions or macros

Parentheses can also be part of a directive.

EXTRN  CODE  (CLAB)                                 ; entry in CODE space
EXTRN  DATA  (DVAR)                                 ; variable in DATA space
MSK    EQU   0F0H                                   ; define symbols
LVAL   EQU   12345678H
       MOV    R3,#(0x20 AND MSK)                    ; calculations; grouping expressions
       MOV    R7,#LOW (MSK + 20H)
       MOV    R6,#1 OR (MSK SHL 4)
       MOV    R1,#((0x20 OR MSK) AND (LVAL + 20H))  ; change precedence
$IF (LVAL = 1)                                      ; isolating conditional expression
       MOV    WR4,#WORD2 (LVAL)                     ; part of directive; load high word of LVAL
%*DEFINE (BMOVE (src, dst, cnt)) LOCAL lab (        ; macro definition
        MOV     R2,#%cnt
        MOV     R1,#%src
        MOV     R0,#%dst
%lab:   MOV     A,@R1
        MOV     @R0,A
        INC     R0
        INC     R1
        DJNZ    R2,lab
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