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µVISION DEBUGGER: Simulating Reset of Infineon XC16x Devices

Information in this article applies to:

  • C166 Version 4.22 or newer


Is it possible to simulate the reset behavior of the Infineon XC16x Devices? When the chip executes from on-chip ROM, the RESET should jump to address 0xC00000 and all interrupt vectors should be directed to this page.


Yes. It is possible to configure the µVision Debugger to correctly simulate this behavior of the XC16x Devices. The µVision simulator has several VTREG's (listed below) that allow you to configure the reset behavior of pins on these devices.

  • EA: This VTREG is the state of the EA pin. A value of 0 causes code fetches from external ROM. A value of 1 causes code fetches from on-chip ROM.
  • ALE: This VTREG is the state of the ALE pin.
  • RD: This VTREG is the state of the RD pin.
  • WR: This VTREG is the state of the WR pin.
  • RSTCFGP: This VTREG represents the levels of the configuration PINs.
  • NMIPIN: This VTREG is the state of the NMI pin.

By default, the value of the EA pin is set to 0 to simulate the off-chip ROM. When this VTREG is 1 at CPU reset, the µVision simulates on-chip ROM and the RESET vector and interrupt vectors start at address 0xC00000.

You can enable the on-chip ROM behavior as follows:

  1. Create a debugger INI file that contains the following commands:
    EA = 1          /* Start execution from on-chip ROM */
    reset           /* perform CPU reset: uses value at EA */
    g, main         /* execute program til main
  2. Under Options for Target - Debug - Use Simulator, disable the option "Go till main ()" then enter the filename for the debugger INI file you created.


Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 23, 2021

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