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10 Jun 2011

FreeRTOS extends support for Keil MDK

FreeRTOS has extended its support for the Keil MDK-ARM toolkit by releasing a number of example projects and application notes using the Keil tools and various ARM processor-based target devices.

Support has also been introduced to display FreeRTOS threads in the MDK Logic Analyzer window. This enables users to analyze task activity and queue usage from a running target processor or µVision simulation model.

RL-ARM Components Overview
FreeRTOS Tasks displayed in the MDK Logic Analyzer window

Additionally, using the cursors available in the Logic Analyzer window it is possible to determine timing information related to the FreeRTOS tasks such as the duration/execution time of a given task or the time between execution of a task.

RL-ARM Components Overview
Timing information for FreeRTOS task shown in the MDK Logic Analyzer window

Additional information including application notes about using FreeRTOS is available at

Further new examples include:

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