SAM-ESV7 Chip Library  Version 2.0
Create Projects for SAM-E7x, SAM-S7x, and SAM-V7x devices series with SAM-ESV7 Chip Library
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Configuration via RTE_Device.h

This section explains how to setup the SAM-ESV7 Chip Library using the RTE_Device.h header file (the classic configuration available for most CMSIS-Driver enabled devices).

You can refer to the example project CMSIS-RTOS Blinky that is available from the Pack Installer for a project template.

Setup SAM-ESV7 Framework (API) - Classic

Step 1: Create an MDK project and select an Atmel SAM-x7 device

Step 2: Add component ::Device:SAM-ESV7 Framework (API):Classic

  • Open the Manage Run-Time Environment window and select ::Device:Startup and ::Device:SAM-ESV7 Framework (API):Classic.
  • Click Resolve to add the device startup code and additional CMSIS components.

Step 3: Add user code templates for the Chip Library Framework

  • In the Project window right-click on Source Group 1 and open Add New Item ....
  • Select User Code Template and add template files for Device:Startup as required. The following user code templates help you to setup projects quickly and are explained in the section SAM-ESV7_SFP Software Foundation Pack.

Use SAM-ESV7 Chip Library

The SAM-ESV7 Chip Library is an Atmel-specific software abstraction layer for Atmel peripherals. It provides interfaces to the device-specific peripherals. The steps to use the SAM-ESV7 Chip Library are:

Step 1: Add ::Device:SAM-ESV7 Chip Library components

  • Open the Manage Run-Time Environment window and select components from ::Device:SAM-ESV7 Chip Library as required for your application.

Step 2: Add source code

  • Add source code to the project that calls the SAM-ESV7 Chip Library functions.
  • The documentation of the Software Components opens from the link in the Manage Run-Time Environment window. Additional manuals are available from the Books window.

Use CMSIS-Driver

CMSIS-Driver provide generic peripheral interfaces for middleware and application code. The CMSIS-Driver cooperate with the SAM-ESV7 Chip Library. The steps to use CMSIS-Driver are:

Step 1: Add CMSIS-Driver

  • Open the Manage Run-Time Environment window and select the CMSIS-Driver that are required for the application.
  • Click Resolve to add required components from the SAM-ESV7 Chip Library. CMSIS-Driver are implemented on top of the SAM-ESV7 Chip Library when possible.

Step 2: Configure Drivers with RTE_Device.h

  • CMSIS-Driver require I/O pin assignments and optional setup for the DMA. This is configured in RTE_Device.h that opens from the Project window under Device.
This file is best viewed using the Configuration Wizard.

Step 3: Use the functionality of the CMSIS-Driver