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A simple integration of WinARM into the Keil uVision3

One of my students have proposed a simple but really working approach how to integrate various GNUARM tools into the Keil uVision environment.

The approach is quite general and can be easily extended to other GNUARM toolchains (e.g.
CodeSourcery - ).

As integration of GNU ARM tools have been frequently discussed in this forum, I hope this info can be useful for this community.

Here is the original info from

Jaroslav Ban from the Technical University Kosice kindly contributed some files which help to integrate the GNU-Tools from WinARM (arm-elf-gcc/arm-elf-as) into the Keil/ARM uVision IDE. The "glue-package" includes a readme-file with installation- and usage-instructions.

And here is the link to the package