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On-chip RAM allocation

I would like to optimize speed of program performing. Therefore I want to locate some variables to DPRAM using L166 class idata.
I was not successful, if I had used dynamic allocation by operator new. Please see examle of simple class below, where atribut v should be located to on-chip RAM.
I use the startup code for C166/EC++ v.5.01

Can anybody help me? Do I have to redefine malloc function?

#define NULL 0L
typedef unsigned short  UI_16;
typedef signed short SFRAC_16;

typedef SFRAC_16 near SFRAC_16N;
typedef SFRAC_16 idata SFRAC_16I;

class DLS                // implements general discrete linear system
                         // with internal (state) description
    UI_16 order;         // order of DLS
    const SFRAC_16N *c;  // pointer to coefficients of transfer function
    SFRAC_16I *v;        // pointer to state variables
    DLS();                      // default constructor - don't use!
    DLS(UI_16 _order,           // parametric constructor - initialization
        const SFRAC_16N *c);
    ~DLS();                     // destructor
    void clearState();          // clear state variables

DLS :: DLS()
: order(0), c(NULL), v(NULL)

DLS :: DLS(UI_16 _order,
           const SFRAC_16N *_c)
: order(_order),
  v(new SFRAC_16I[this->order])

DLS :: ~DLS()
//  delete[] v;   // ??? 051114 doesn't work in Keil uVision
  delete v;

void DLS :: clearState()
  for (UI_16 i = 0; i < order; i++)
    v[i] = 0;