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Program counter location

i got a problem.I am giving the program aswell as how the program looks in the disassembly window.

	Area copy, code , readonly
start           LDR r1,=srcstr; pointer to the first string
		LDR r0,=dststr; pointer to the second string
		LDRB r2,[r1],#1	; Loads a byte and update the address
		strb r2, [r0],#1; stores a byte and update the address
		cmp r2,#0		; checks for zero terminator
		BNE strcopy

		SWI 0x11		; terminate

		Area Strings, DATA, READWRITE
srcstr	DCB "ab",0
dststr  DCB "second string-destination",0

As you can see the program is getting stored at location 0x00000010 .When i run the program the program starts executing at location 0x00000000 and it gives the error
*** error 65: access violation at 0x00000000 : no 'execute/read' permission

I would like to know how i could make my program execution to start at 0x00000010 .

0x00000000  00000000  ANDEQ     R0,R0,R0
0x00000004  00000000  ANDEQ     R0,R0,R0
0x00000008  00000000  ANDEQ     R0,R0,R0
0x0000000C  00000000  ANDEQ     R0,R0,R0
     3: start   LDR r1,=srcstr; pointer to the first string
0x00000010  E59F1014  LDR       R1,[PC,#0x0014]
     4:                 LDR r0,=dststr; pointer to the second string
     5: strcopy
0x00000014  E59F0014  LDR       R0,[PC,#0x0014]
     6:                 LDRB r2,[r1],#1 ; Loads a byte and update the address
0x00000018  E4D12001  LDRB      R2,[R1],#0x0001
     7:                 strb r2, [r0],#1; stores a byte and update the address
0x0000001C  E4C02001  STRB      R2,[R0],#0x0001
     8:                 cmp r2,#0              ; checks for zero terminator
0x00000020  E3520000  CMP       R2,#0x00000000
     9:                 BNE strcopy
    11: stop
0x00000024  1AFFFFFB  BNE       0x00000018
    12:                 SWI 0x11                ; terminate
0x00000028  EF000011  SWI       0x00000011

looking for your help