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FlashFS and SPI remap BUG?

Hi All,

I have a problem with a custom board (STM32F103C8) but also tested on a keil development kit MCBSTM32C (STM32F107VC). I'm trying to use the FlashFS with SD card in SPI mode using the SPI1 with remapped pins (PB3, PB4, PB5) but I can't.

I have done hundred test and the FlshFS works ok on any SPI including the SPI1 but when remaped to PB3... the SPI don't generate any signal. The STM32F uses the same pins for JTAG and of course I disabled this function.

To see if the problem is in the initialization or in the hardware I have tested it with simple SPI send function and the SPI1 with remapped pins works ok and generate all the signals, but, when initialize the FlashFS (of course I have the RTE_Device.h well configured with SPI1 remapped) the port SCK and MOSI are at "1" and nothing occurs.

Any ideas?..
