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Integrating MDK 4 CANdemo into MDK_ARM v5 Demo App

I am fairly new to Keil MDK-ARM, just evaluating it the last week.

I was guided to MDK v5 by a rep but was rather upset when I found that CANbus is not available in MDK-ARM v5 until Q3 2015. Per this article

I have the MCBSTM32F400 eval kit which has the STM32F407. My application requires a TCP server, LCD & 2 CAN bus ports.

I was able to get the CAN demo from MDK v4 running on my MCBSTM32F400.

I got an MDK v5 app running with a TCP server & Http server & LCD display code.
I would like to add CANbus to this app.

So my question, is there a way for me to merge these two apps in MDK v5?
---I spent a couple hours digging around in the source and it looks like the MDK RTOS is just to different between MDK v4 & v5 to make this work. Or I just cant find a way to do it.

OR to get everything I need would I have to Refactor my TCPIP\LCD app into mDK v4 to add CANbus into the MDK v4 project?

Thanks in advance,