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External memory on a XC16x Board

Hi Everybody,

I'm still experimenting with Infineon's XC161 Starter Kit using the Keil C166 compiler, v4.27 (linker version 4.28). Almost everything I need works OK now, except the external bus controller. Below I'll describe my situation:


I've connected the RAM to the processor by setting switch S101.8. This is the configuration for the multiplexed mode, so I also switched S103.1 and S103.2 off for 16 bits multiplexed mode.

The CS-lines are enabled by off-switching S102.6 and S102.7. I use 4-bit address lines by setting S102.4 and S102.5.

S102.8 is switched on to use /WR and /BHE as /WRL and /WRH.


In the startup file (START_V2.A66) I configured the EBC as follows:

_SAPEN      EQU    4
_CSPEN      EQU    5
_ARBEN      EQU    0
_SLAVE      EQU    0
_EBCDIS     EQU    0
_WRCFG      EQU    1
_BYTDIS     EQU    0
_ALEDIS     EQU    0
_RDYDIS     EQU    0
_RDYPOL     EQU    0
_APDIS      EQU    0
_DHPDIS     EQU    0

CS1 as follows:

_ADDR1      EQU    0x400000
_SIZE1      EQU    256*KB
_ENCS1      EQU    1
_RDYEN1     EQU    0
_RDYMOD1    EQU    0
_BTYP1      EQU    3
_PHA1       EQU    3
_PHB1       EQU    1
_PHC1       EQU    3
_PHD1       EQU    1
_PHE1       EQU    25
_RDPHF1     EQU    3
_WRPHF1     EQU    3

Maximum bus times to control the RAM, so it isn't a timing problem. In the target options (under 'External Memory") I set the following values for #1:

Start: 0x400000
Size : 0x40000

In my C-code I also set the P6 pins to output.

I've looked over my problem several times but couldn't trace the things going wrong. I also tried other memory configurations (8 bit mux, 8 bit demux and 16 bit demux) but all of them with no success.

Final thing to tell about are the contents of my .M66-file. All data is located in valid areas (I can see vars in the 0x400000 area), but one line is very strange:

-- cut --
  3F8000H     ?C_NDATABASE                     CONST ---  ---     ---
-- cut --

I don't know if 0x3F8000 should be an address, that is used somewhere else, but IF so, then it's not valid. I didn't configure this value anywhere; it's generated by Keil's Linker.

Well, phiew, that was a lot of writing, so I hope somebody can help me? :)

Kind Regards,
Dennis Ebben