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uVision4 Debugger's "Memory 1" Window doesn't show the updated value

I tried to write a simple program that can find the 1's complement of a number and store the result in memory.

This is my program:

;Find the one's complement (inverse) of a number

        TTL     Ch4Ex2 - invert
        AREA    Program, CODE, READONLY

        LDR     R1, Value       ; Load the number to be complemented
        MVN     R1, R1          ; take 1's complement of R1
        STR     R1, Result      ; Store the result
        SWI     &11

Value   DCD     &FF             ; Value to be complemented
Result  DCD     &ABCD1234       ; Storage for result


When I ran the debugger, I used "Memory 1" window to check the content of Result. But the content of Result didn't change. It kept remained as 0xABCD1234. Can anybody tell me what did I do wrong here?

I am using Keil uVision4 and LPC2368 as my device.

Thank you,